Stress and Infertility

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Infertility Causes Stress. Does Stress Cause Infertility?

Although infertility is a highly stressful experience, there is very little evidence that infertility can be caused by stress. But in rare cases, a high level of stress in a woman can change hormone levels and cause irregular ovulation. Some studies have shown that a high stress level may also cause fallopian tube spasms in a woman and compromise normal sperm production and function in a man.

Truth be told, an infertility diagnosis can lead you and your partner to no longer feel in control of your bodies or your life plan. You may feel that your life goal of parenthood is threatened. We understand that infertility testing and treatment can be physically, emotionally and financially stressful, and are committed to helping ease the tension. Our compassionate staff will work with you to coordinate medical appointments with career and personal responsibilities, and provide educational support to help make treatments less threatening.

North Dallas IVF offers these tips to help with stress reduction:

  • Keep the lines of communications open with your partner and the staff at North Dallas IVF.
  • Get emotional support so that you don’t feel isolated. Individual or couple counseling, support groups and books on infertility can help validate your feelings and help you cope. We can help connect you to RESOLVE, the national support organization for couples with infertility.
  • Learn stress reduction techniques such as meditation or yoga.
  • Avoid excessive intake of caffeine and other stimulants.
  • Exercise regularly to release physical and emotional tension.
  • Have a medical treatment plan that both you and your partner are comfortable with.

Learn as much as you can about the cause of your infertility and the available treatment options. We offer resources on this site (link to Education Resources page) to help you learn more. Additionally, check your local library and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine for information on infertility.

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